Authored Books
Murawski, M. 2025. Only to hell: architecture, nature & violence in recolonial russia. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Under contract.
Murawski, M. 2024. A Form of Friendship: The Museum on the Square. Warsaw: Museum of Modern Art/University of Chicago Press.
Murawski, M. 2019. The Palace Complex: A Stalinist Skyscraper, Capitalist Warsaw, and a City Transfixed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press (New Anthropologies of Europe Series).
Murawski, M. 2015. Kompleks Pałacu.
Polish-language monograph, translated by Ewa Klekot, Warsaw: Museum of Warsaw Press.
Edited Books and Special Issues
Beasley-Murray, T., Bracewell, W. and Murawski M. (eds.), 2025. Anti-Atlas: Critical Area Studies from the East of the West. London: UCL Press.
Murawski, M. and Rusetska, K. (eds.), Reconstruction II: Hardcore Diaries. A special collection of e-flux Architecture, December 2024.
Ebbengsgaard, C., Murawski, M., Woodcraft, S. and Zubovich, K. (eds.), 2024. Radical Verticality: Critical Explorations of High Rise Urbanism. A special issue of Urban Studies 61(4).
Anosova, D., Axel. N., Murawski, M., Roche D.J. (eds.), 2023. Reconstruction. A special collection of e-flux Architecture. stemming from the conference The Reconstruction of Ukraine: Ruination, Representation, Solidarity. September 2023.
Murawski, M. and Jonathan Bach (eds.), 2020. Re-Centring the City: Global Mutations of Socialist Modernity. London: UCL Press.
Maksimov, D., Mileeva, M., Murawski, M. and Roberts, D. (eds.), 2020. London: PPV.
Murawski, M. (ed.). 2018. Зарядьеология. Thematic block of Городские Исследованиа и Практики - Urban Research and Practices (Vol. 2, No. 4), pp. 71-104.
Murawski, M. and Kravchuk, D. (eds), 2018. Portal Zaryadye. Moscow: Moscow Museum of Architecture. Exhibition Catalogue.
Murawski, M. and Rendell. J (eds). 2017. Re-Activating the Social Condenser: A Century of Revolution-via-Architecture. A special issue of The Journal of Architecture (Vol. 22. No. 3) marking the centenary of the 1917 October Revolution.
Articles, Chapters, Texts
Murawski, M. "Editorial: Hardcore Diaries". e-flux Architecture, 3 December 2024.
Ebbensgaard, C. L., Murawski, M., Woodcraft, S., & Zubovich, K. 2024. "Introduction: Verticality, radicalism, resistance." Urban Studies, 61(4), 619-635.
Anosova, D., Murawski, M., Roche D., with Axel, N., "Editorial: Radical Reconstruction". e-flux Architecture, special collection, September 2023.
piRaMMMida (David Roberts, Denis Maksimov-Gupta, Maria Mileeva, Michal Murawski). 2023. “Making Pyramids Disappear: Faux Horizontalism and Wild Capitalist Topologies of Speculation”. In Marina Vishmidt (ed.), Speculation: Documents in Contemporary Art. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press/The Whitechapel Gallery.
Lähteenmakki,. M. and Murawski, M. 2023. “Blagoustroistvo: Infrastructure, Determinism, Re-Coloniality and Social Engineering in (Post-)Soviet Moscow, 1917-2022.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 65 (3), July 2023.
Murawski, M. and Noble, B. 2023. "'Make it look more democratic, Mikhail Mikhailovich!' Potemkin parliamentarism and the project to redesign the Russian State Duma." In Sophia Psarra and Claudia Sternberg (eds.), Parliament Buildings: The Architecture of Politics in Europe. London: UCL Press.
Murawski, M., 2022. “Falshfasad: Infrastructure, Materialism and Realism in Wild Capitalist Moscow.” American Ethnologist 49 (4), November 2022.
Murawski, M., 2022, “From Culture Tree to Culture Z: War, Empire and Putin-Era Urbanism”. Soniakh Digest. 17 October 2022.
Michał Murawski, 2022. "Locating Trans-Socialism: Communism, Putinism and Human Nature". e-flux notes, 27 July 2022.
Michał Murawski, 2022. "Is socialist realism (de)colonial? Or how to re-appropriate the spirit of the gift." Communist/Soviet Historical and Cultural Heritage. Collection of Articles. Martens Center/European Humanities Center, Vilnius.
Anna Engelhardt, Michał Murawski, Sasha Shestakova, Vlad Vazheyevskyy, 2022. “The Front Runs Through Us: Decolonising Russia’s War on Ukraine”. UCL Europe Blog, 9 May 2022.
Murawski, M. 2022. DAU and Determinism. Apparatus: Film, Media and Digital Cultures in Eastern Europe (13). May 2022.
Murawski, M. 2022. Pearls Before Swine: An Interview with Denis Shibanov, the Architect of DAU. Apparatus: Film, Media and Digital Cultures in Eastern Europe (13). Forthcoming May 2022
Murawski, M. 2022. “Notes from the Opening of a Neo-Soviet House of Culture”. Slavic Review 81 (1).
Michał Murawski, 2021. "There Really is Something Wrong With Architecture". Review of the 17th Venice Biennale of Architecture. Arts of the Working Class, 21 June.
Michał Murawski and Ben Noble, 2021. "Potemkin Parliamentarism". UCL Europe Blog, 17 February.
Murawski, M., 2020. “Wild Capitalisms: The Political Ecology of The Post-Socialist City”. Published on, edited by Denis Maksimov, Maria Mileeva and Michał Murawski, July 2020.
Murawski, M. 2020. “Парк Культуры Tree: Архитектура, Реальность и Колониальность в собянинской Москве” (Тhe Park of Culture T(h)ree: Architecture, Reality and Coloniality in Sobaynin’s Moscow). Новое литературное обозрение 160 (1).
Murawski, M. 2020. “Zofia Kulik's Palace Complex: Revealing the Complexity of Closed Form (Filling It With Her Own Madness)”. In Agata Jakubowska (ed.), Zofia Kulik: Methodology, My Love. Warsaw: Museum of Modern Art.
Bach, J. and Murawski, M. 2020. “Introduction: Towards a Political Morphology of Undead Urban Forms”. In Murawski, M., Bach. J. (eds.), 2020. Re-Centring the City: Global Urban Mutations and Post-Socialist Modernity. London: UCL Press.
Murawski, M. 2020. “Palatial Socialism, or Still-Socialist Centrality in Warsaw”. In Murawski, M., Bach. J. (eds.), 2020. Re-Centring the City: Global Urban Mutations and Post-Socialist Modernity. London: UCL Press.
Michał Murawski, 2020. "Post-Troll Aesthetics". Effects Journal, 14 December.
Michał Murawski, 2020. "Mutations of publicness: from the social condenser to social distancing". Tank Magazine, No. 84, Fall/Winter 2020.
Michał Murawski, 2020. "Washington D.C. will not be rebuilt in the image of 1990s Moscow". UCL European Institute Blog special issue following the 2020 US Presidential election.
Michał Murawski, 2020. "Palace of Culture". An essay on Hammersmith's Polish Social-Cultural Centre (POSK), in Owen Hatherley (ed.), The Alternative Guide to the London Boroughs. London: Open House.
Michał Murawski, 2020. "Undoing Global Categories and Pyramidal Power Structures". In Arts of the Working Class, No. 13, September.
Maria Mileeva, Denis Maksimov, Michał Murawski, David Roberts, 2020. "Cyber-PiraMMMida: Exposing Fake Horizontals and Perverting Power Verticals". Strelka Magazine, 9 July.
Murawski, M. 2019. "Repairing Russia". In Francisco Martinez (ed.), Repair, Brokenness, Breakthrough: Ethnographic Responses. New York: Berghahn. Forthcoming.
Michał Murawski, 2019. "A Still-Socialist Palace in a Leftless Country". An Excerpt from The Palace Complex. Strelka Magazine, 1 October.
Michał Murawski, 2019. Vertical Horizontalism and Green Revolution in Tatarstan. Calvert Journal, 8 August.
Michał Murawski, 2019. Op-Ed on the Ivan Golunov Affair. Newsweek, 14 June.
Murawski, M. 2018. "Actually-Existing Success: Economics, Aesthetics and the Specificity of Still-Socialist Urbanism". Comparative Studies in Society and History, 60(4): 907-937.
Murawski, M., 2018. "Marxist Morphologies: A materialist critique of brute materialities, flat infrastructures, fuzzy property and complexified cities". Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology, 82 (2018): 16-34.
Murawski, M., Shipley, J.W., Von Zinnenburg Carroll, K. 2018. "The Art of Dissident Domesticity: King Prempeh, Julian Assange and Ethnographic Conceptualism in the Prison House". Social Text, 35(2).
Michał Murawski, 2018. "My Street: Moscow is Getting a Makeover, and the Rest of Russia is Next". Calvert Journal, 29 May.
Michał Murawski, 2018. «Zaryadyology/Зарядьеология». Dialog Isskustv/Dialogue of the Arts Journal, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, April 2018.
Michał Murawski and Agata Pyzik, 2018. 'Vogue Poland: Why the iconic magazine's first Polish cover has proven so controversial'. Calvert Journal, 15 Feb.
Murawski, M. and Rendell, J. 2017. "Preface: The Social Condenser. A Century of Revolution Through Architecture, 1917-2017". The Journal of Architecture, 22 (3).
Murawski, M. 2017. "Introduction: Crystallising the Social Condenser". The Journal of Architecture, 22 (3).
Murawski, M. 2017. "The Palace Complex: A Stalinist Social Condenser in a Capitalist City". The Journal of Architecture, 22 (3).
Murawski, M. and Rendell, J. 2017. "Interview with Alexey Ginzburg and Natalya Shilova". The Journal of Architecture, 22 (3).
Murawski, M. 2017. "Radical Centres: The Political Morphology of Monumentality in Warsaw and Johannesburg". Third Text: Critical Perspectives on Contemporary Art and Culture.
Michał Murawski, 2017. Interview with former Mayor of Moscow (in Russian): При Лужкове такого не было. Бывший мэр Москвы рассказал Forbes о парке Зарядье и переселении москвичей. Forbes Russia, 11 October.
Michał Murawski, 2017. "Revolution and the Social Condenser: How Soviet Architects Sought a Radical New Society". Strelka Magazine, 28 September.
Michał Murawski, 2017. "Outrage: From Moscow to London, Promises About New Homes Are Disguising Cynical Expropriation". Architectural Review, 25 September.
Michał Murawski and Anya Shevchenko, 2017. "Zaryadye Park: A Report from the Opening of Moscow's New Urban Wilderness". Calvert Journal, 19 September.
Michał Murawski, 2017. "Letter from Odessa: The Non-Socialist City, Capitalist Realism and Donald Trump". The Odessa Review, 31 January.
Michał Murawski, 2017. "Towers of Power" (on Trumpitecture in Odessa and Batumi). Calvert Journal, 3 January.
Murawski, M. 2016. ‘Big Affects: Size, Sex and Stalinist ‘Architectural Power’ in Post-Socialist Warsaw’ in Elements of Architecture: Assembling Archaeology, Affect and The Performance of Building Spaces, Tim Flohr Sørensen and Mikel Bille (eds.), London: Routledge.
Michał Murawski, 2016. "Letter from: In Search of Progressive Architecture at the Venice Biennale". Calvert Journal, 29 July.Michał Murawski, 2016 "Arch of History: What the Ruins of Palmyra Reveal About Conflicting Visions of East and West". Calvert Journal, 9 June.
Michał Murawski, 2015. ‘Centring the FRINGE’. SSEES Research Blog, 16 December.
Michał Murawski, 2015. 'Pałac Kotów i Sokołów'. Dwutygodnik 163.
Murawski, M. 2013. ‘Palaceology, or Palace-as-Methodology: Ethnographic Conceptualism, Total Urbanism and a Stalinist Skyscraper in Warsaw’, Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research. Special Issue on ‘ethnographic conceptualism’,5(2):56-83, Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov (ed.).
Murawski, M. 2012. ‘Cosmopolitan Architecture: “Deviations” from Stalinist Aesthetics and the Making of Twenty-First Century Warsaw’, in Caroline Humphrey and Vera Skvirskaya (eds.) Post-Cosmopolitan Cities, London: Berghahn.
Michał Murawski, 2012. 'Power Tower'. Fulcrum (Architectural Association). 50:1.Michał Murawski, 2012, 'Czym jest architektura XXI wieku w Warszawie?' in Cos Ktore Nadchodzi: Architektura XXIWieku/That Something on the Horizon: Architecture of the 21st Century, Warsaw: Fundacja Bec Zmiana.
Murawski, M. 2011. ‘Inappropriate Object: Warsaw and the Stalin Era Palace of Culture after the Smolensk Catastrophe’, Anthropology Today, 27(4): 5-11
Murawski, M. 2011. ‘From Iconicity to Dominationality: The Palace of Culture and Science in Contemporary Warsaw’. Informationen zur Modernen Stadtgeschichte. 2:56-69.
Maciej Czeredys and Michał Murawski, 2011. ‘The Knotted Archiblabla’ in The Knot: An Experiment in Contemporary Artin Public Urban Space, Berlin: Jovis.Michał Murawski, 2011. ‘Continuity Street Versus the Palace of Rupture’ in Anatomy of A Street: Warsaw, Warsaw: Fundacja Bec Zmiana.Michał Murawski, 2010. ‘Warszawa Juz sie Pałacyzuje’. Kultura Liberalna 24 (74).
Murawski, M. 2009. ‘(A)political Buildings: Ideology, Memory and Warsaw’s ‘Old’ Town’, Docomomo Proceedings 2 (May 2009).
Amrith, M., Johnson, J., Martin, D., Murawski, M. and Nelms, T. 2008/2009. ‘Harvesting Failure in the Field: An Ethnographic Apprenticeship in Coping with the Unexpected’, Cambridge Anthropology 28(1):61-83.
Book reviews
Murawski, M. 2022. Review of Building Socialism: The Afterlife of East German Architecture in Urban Vietnam. City & Society 34(1).
Murawski, M. 2014. “Taming the Wild in the City”. Review essay of Carol Jerolmack, The Global Pigeon. European Journal of Sociology 55(2):562-566.
Murawski, M. 2011. Review of Gisa Weszkalnys, Berlin Alexanderplatz: Transforming Place in a Unified Germany. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 17(4).