Henryk Dąbrowski's rendition of the Palace of the Soviets as the pivot of the new Moscow. From Edmund Goldzamt, Architektura Zespołów Śroódmiejskich i Problemy Dziedzictwa. Warszawa: PWN, 1956.
In 2023-2024, I will be convening the following MA and BA modules at UCL:
Cities in Eastern Europe (BA+MA course, SSEES), module coordinator, lecturer, seminar instructor
Understanding Politics 1 (BA module, module coordinator, lecturer)
Interdisciplinary Area Studies: Critical Area Studies (MPhil+PhD module, SSEES, module coordinator, lecturer, seminar instructor)
In addition to this, I have taught as a visiting lecturer at institutions including the Bartlett School of Architecture, the Architectural Association, the Cass School of Architecture, Cambridge University, Kharkiv School of Architecture, TU München, Manchester University, Princeton University, the New School, the Spitzer School of Architecture, the Warsaw Academy of Fine Arts and the University of Warsaw.
I have supervised MA and BA dissertations at UCL SSEES, UCL Anthropology, the Bartlett, Cambridge and the Higher School of Urban Studies at the Moscow Higher School of Economics.
I am open to inquiries from prospective PhD students looking to work on architecture, urbanism, art and material culture in the socialist and post-socialist world.
Completed PhD students:
Kelsey Weber (awarded 2023), Practices of Belonging: Identity Among Polish Tatars (SSEES/Anthropology, with Ruth Mandel)
Current PhD students:
Oliver Banatvala (expected 2025): Shopping malls in post-Soviet Russia (SSEES/Bartlett, with Murray Fraser)
Kitty Brandon-James (expected 2025): art tusovki in post-Soviet Russia (SSEES/Courtauld, with Sarah Wilson)
Makar Tereshin (expected 2025): space scavengers in Kazakhstan (SSEES/Anthropology, with Victor Buchli)
Daria Anosova (expected 2025): informal arts and culture institutions in post-Soviet Ukraine
Armen Aramyan (expected 2027): corporate ideologies in post-Soviet advertising
Elena Agofonova (expected 2027): Norms and regulations in Soviet housing 1970-2017 (UCL Bartlett, with Iain Borden)